Wendy has been involved with the breeding sheep since the early 1990s when she moved permanently to the family farm during her time at Agricultural College. At Beersheba Farm, Wendy runs several breeds of sheep, including Merino, Drysdale, English Leicester as well as developing her own breed of sheep, the Castledale. She began supplying her locally grown and processed wool products for the Australian craft market in response to wool being imported from overseas to fill a supply need for wool products. The commercial Drysdale flock was transitioned to a registered stud flock in 2002 when Wendy took over the running of the farm and Beersheba Drysdales was born. By 2010 the stud was the only registered Drysdale
stud left in Australia – and is currently the only registered flock in the world.
Her first English Leicesters arrived on the property in 2015 from Ethel Stephenson’s “Ostlers Hill” stud and currently consist of the stud white flock and small coloured flock.
Wendy began her fibrecraft journey in 2014 with spinning lessons from a neighbour. That journey has now led to a dye/fibre workshop and having the farm’s wool processed locally to combed top.
During lambing Wendy runs a daily blog on the farm website, showcasing the ups and downs of livestock farming.
The wool produced at Beersheba Farm is available to handspinners, felters and craftspeople through www.beershebafarm.com